TOP 5 unanswered questions from the latest trailer of AVENGERS-INFINITY WAR.

Let me be a bit blunt here and begin by saying that,IF YOU ARE STUPID ENOUGH TO HAVEN’T SEEN THE NEW TRAILER YET THEN PLEASE…HERE IT IS


I am pretty sure that no one would have to click on the above link as it already had 28 million views within a day. So there are a lot of speculations going on regarding various ‘stuff’ marvel choose to reveal in this trailer, making the fans more anxious for the movie.

After watching the clip 8 times, a hell lot of questions filled my mind,questions that I need answer to. Though we will have to wait for a few weeks before that happens, I present you,

TOP 5 unanswered questions from the latest trailer of AVENGERS-INFINITY WAR.

(P.S- All the super hardcore comic book fans out there, don’t reveal the answers here!)

1.Why is Thanos so adamant in destroying ‘half the universe’?

The trailer starts with Gamora describing her step dad’s wish to destroy half the universe (with the snap of his fingers,of course. Cause it has to be dramatic!). Later down the video, Thanos again mentions that once he is done, half of humanity will still survive.It certainly is puzzling. Is it that the entire universe would be too hard to rule? Or is it something similar to Noah’s arc where he wants only half of the entire universal species to survive? Guess we will have to find out.

2.Will there be compatibility issues with the Avengers and the Guardians?

As its rightly said, too many cooks spoil the broth, but when the broth’s name is Thanos, you pray you had more cooks!

The trailer clearly shows how pissed Iron man is on some newbie coming into his territory and telling him his plan sucks.


If there wouldn’t have been the threat of Thanos lurking around, we sure would have got ‘Avenger 3 – EGO WAR’. It is true that you need to work together in hard times, and that’s why Iron man chooses to spare Starlord’s life( I guess!)

Our little Spidey is surly enjoying this!

3.Who is the guy making Dr.Strange scream with agony?

This is one of those questions which gets answered!Its certain that anyone who watches the trailer,googles who that Voldemort look alike character is. A few seconds of surfing on the net will tell you that he is EBONY MAW. His abilities are pretty easy to understand, and very useful indeed. He is able to coax peoples mind and persuade them to do his dirty work.

Doesn’t he look more dangerous than Thanos himself?

It would be very difficult to manipulate someone like Doctor Strange who has been through a great amount of training, especially mental. But the ease Ebony Maw shows while torturing Dr.Strange makes it all the more terrifying.

What actually terrifies me is that there are 4 more villains just like him,may be more powerful. The ‘Children of Thanos’! Can’t wait to encounter them all.

4.What is Thanos thinking when Captain America stops his punch?

Is he admiring Captain’s resolve to stop him? Is he thinking ‘why the futile attempt’? Was he wondering weather I should break his ribs with my other hand? Was he pitying over how weak the leader of the Avengers is?

Josh Brolin sure wants us to wonder about what he is wondering!

There might be 20 more speculations you could make out form the expression Thanos is giving, but one thing is certain he can easily beat the shit out of our beloved Steve Rogers if he wants to.(Where was his shield when he got attacked?)

A couple of notable mentions before I put forth the ultimate question!

a. Why haven’t we heard anything from Hawk eye and Ant man.

b.What exactly is the blazing meteor that reflects on Dr.Strange’s window?

I guess it might be Hulk who is thrown out from the spaceship!

See,its right there.

c.What is Suri holding?

A new,updated version of Vision after he gets his Mind stone taken?

d.Does Loki bargain with Thanos for Thor’s life in exchange of the Tesseract?

Looks like Thor can use some help from his little step brother.

e.Is Thanos so strong that he could crush Tesseract into the space stone?

Sure looks like it.

And now finally,

1.Is Iron man going to perish?

We all know that you can’t fight Thanos,his so called children and his army of inter-galactic beasts and emerge out unharmed. Some one will die, but who?

There are more than 3 incidences where it clearly points out which Avenger wouldn’t be in the next part. The newly released poster(the featured image of this blog) shows Iron man like he is trying to protect the humanity and the avengers,all by himself.

Then in the trailer, Hulk Buster is brutally over-powered by the foot soldiers of the opposing army.

Hulk buster getting busted.

Later, Thanos clearly says ‘I hope they remember you’,while Tony is just sitting there, his suit torn apart form his body. Is he thinking some ingenious plan of sacrificing himself or he has accepted that defeat is imminent?

We need you Iron man, please don’t go…

Also, this might be a very silly reason,but there are rumors around that Robert’s contract has ended, but this does point out to something. I just wish he isn’t the one to die.(Kill Starlord and nobody will care!)

I hope you liked this decryption of the newly released trailer. I would love to hear your opinions on this, and are there some questions I missed which are still bothering you? Feel free to comment or contact me.

The countdown begins, less than 7 weeks to go!

Happy Watching!!!

Author: top5withamish

Just another guy with pen and paper, I mean a WordPress account. A physicist in making, food reviewer by hobby! Will blog about 'Top 5' of everything I come across!

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